Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 manual

Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441

View the manual for the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 here, for free. This manual comes under the category washing machines and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.5. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 or do you need help? Ask your question here

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Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441.

Loading type Drying capacity Washing class Energy consumption washing per cycle Door opening angle
ModelAvantixx 7 WVH28441 | WVH28441NL
Productwashing machine
FiletypeUser manual (PDF), Datasheet (PDF)
Loading type Front-load
Appliance placement Freestanding
Door hinge Left
Water fill Cold
Drum volume 56 L
Viewing window Yes
Control type Buttons
Display type LED
Built-in display Yes
Product color White
Drum material Stainless steel
Certification CE, VDE
Drying capacity 4 kg
Maximum spin speed 1400 RPM
Spin-drying class -
Washing capacity 7 kg
Cycle time washing 418 min
AquaStop function Yes
Delayed start timer -
Anti-Crease function -
Adjustable spin speed Yes
Minimum spin speed 400 RPM
Noise level (wash) 54 dB
Noise level (spin) 73 dB
Foam control system Yes
Noise level (drying) 62 dB
Self-cleaning Yes
Half-load -
Delay start (max) 24 h
Wool, Mix, Quick, Delicate/silk
Other features
Washing class A
Annual energy consumption washing 238 kWh
Annual water consumption washing 10200 L
Annual energy consumption washing & drying 1134 kWh
Annual water consumption washing & drying 11400 L
Energy consumption washing per cycle 1.19 kWh
Energy consumption washing & drying per cycle 5.67 kWh
Water consumption washing & drying per cycle 57 L
AC input voltage 220 - 240 V
AC input frequency 50 Hz
Current 10 A
Door opening angle 165 °
Cord length 2.1 m
Remaining time indication Yes
Buzzer Yes
Child lock Yes
Weight & dimensions
Width 600 mm
Depth 590 mm
Height 842 mm
Weight 84000 g
Door opening diameter 320 mm
Package weight

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 below.

What temperature should I use for my laundry?

The washing label of your garment shows the recommended washing temperature.

Do I need to use an anti-scaling agent for my washing machine?

It is not necessary to use an anti-scaling agent. Scale deposits can be prevented by limiting washing at high temperatures and using the recommended amount of detergent per wash.

How do I prevent my washing machine from smelling?

Unpleasant odours can be avoided by occasionally washing at 60 degrees and using the recommended amount of detergent per wash.

What is the weight of the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441?

The Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 has a weight of 84000 g.

What certifications does the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 have?

The Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 has the following certifications: CE, VDE.

What is the height of the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441?

The Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 has a height of 842 mm.

What is the width of the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441?

The Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 has a width of 600 mm.

What is the depth of the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441?

The Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 has a depth of 590 mm.

Does Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 have a maximum spin speed of 1400 RPM?

Yes, Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 has a maximum spin speed of 1400 RPM. This means that it can efficiently remove excess water from your laundry, resulting in faster drying times compared to machines with lower spin speeds.

Is the energy consumption for washing per cycle 1.19 kWh for Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441?

Yes, the energy consumption for washing per cycle for Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 is 1.19 kWh. This places it in the range of energy-efficient washing machines, helping users save on electricity bills in the long run.

Does Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 have an annual water consumption of 11400 L for washing & drying?

Yes, Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 has an annual water consumption of 11400 L for washing & drying. While this is not the lowest water consumption in its class, it still offers a balance between efficiency and performance for users.

Does Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 have an AquaStop function?

Yes, Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 has an AquaStop function. This provides users with peace of mind against water leaks and potential damages, making it a reliable choice for households.

Is the door hinge for Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 on the left side?

Yes, the door hinge for Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 is on the left side. This specific placement can be convenient depending on the layout of the laundry area in a user's home.

How can I prevent the risk of death when handling live parts of the washer dryer?

To prevent the risk of death when handling live parts of the Bosch Avantixx 7 WVH28441 washer dryer, follow these steps: 1. Always disconnect the mains plug by pulling the plug itself, not the cable, to avoid cable damage. 2. Never touch the mains plug with wet hands to prevent the risk of electric shock. 3. Avoid lifting the washer dryer using projecting parts like the door to prevent injuries. 4. Do not climb onto the washer dryer or lean on the open door to avoid accidents. 5. Wait until the drum stops rotating before reaching into it to prevent hand injuries. 6. Be cautious of scalding when washing at high temperatures and avoid touching hot washing water. 7. Supervise children around the washer dryer to prevent life-threatening situations. 8. Ensure children do not lock themselves inside appliances to avoid suffocation risks.