Competency-Based Performance Review Template
Competency-based performance review template overview
A competency-based performance review evaluates an employee's performance based on specific skills and behaviors essential to their role and the organization's success.
This template facilitates a comprehensive performance review process that aligns with the organization’s strategic objectives by focusing on both the achievements and areas for the development of each employee.
The template includes:
- Names, review period, and rating scale: Fill in the employee name, role and department, manager name, review period, and performance rating scale (if applicable)
- Instructions for the reviewer: Get guidelines on conducting the review effectively, ensuring consistency and fairness
- Quantitative and qualitative performance evaluation questions: The template contains rating and open-ended questions for assessing various aspects of employee performance and competency mastery
- Core competencies: Evaluate the core competencies required for the employee's current role—the competencies included are communication, teamwork, time management and prioritization, problem-solving and analytical thinking, self-development, and growth mindset
- Technical competencies: Evaluate the specific technical skills required for the employee's current role
- Leadership potential: Assess the employee’s leadership skills and potential to take on greater responsibility
- Overall performance summary: Summarize the performance appraisal for a holistic view of the employee's performance across all areas
- Areas for improvement: Identify areas where the employee can enhance their skills and contributions
- Goals for the next review period: Set specific, measurable objectives for the employee to achieve before the following performance review
- Development planning: Plan the employee’s career development—define concrete next steps, including training, mentoring, and other growth opportunities
- Follow-up timeline: Schedule ongoing reviews and check-ins to discuss progress and readjust goals as needed
How to use this competency-based performance review template
Using this template, managers can conduct thorough and effective performance reviews that highlight areas of improvement, celebrate successes, and align employee growth with organizational objectives.
Here is how you can make the most out of this template:
- Review the competencies included in the template and ensure they align with the role-specific expectations and organizational goals
- Modify the template by adding or removing competencies specific to the employee's role or department
- Use your organization’s complete competency framework to select appropriate competencies
- Decide on using rating scales or keeping the review qualitative—the template uses the 1-5 rating scale, with two sets of performance ratings, one for evaluating effectiveness (1 - Not at all effective to 5 - Extremely effective) and one for assessing quality of work (1 - Very poor to 5 - Excellent), but feel free to customize the rating scales
- Ensure the review criteria are clear, measurable, and relevant to the performance expectations
- Fill in the expected level of mastery for each competency in the evaluation form
- Start reviewing the employee: provide specific examples to illustrate where the employee exceeds or barely meets expectations; identify areas where they need to improve
- Balance constructive feedback and positive feedback