Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)

The Office on Aging provides information, assistance and outreach services to seniors in a variety of areas, including legal assistance, transportation, Meals on Wheels, weekend meal program, congregate nutrition sites, home health services, respite care, home security, adult day care and care management. The Office on Aging is part of the statewide Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) which provides "one-stop shopping" type access to services. ADRC can be reached toll free at 877-222-3737.

A Directory of Services for Burlington County seniors is available through the Office on Aging. To request a copy, please call us at 609-265-5069

Letter From the Division Head

Welcome to the Burlington County Office on Aging website. Here you will find information about our division’s services and programs, as well as links to federal, state, and other county services for seniors over the age of 60. You can access menu for Meals on Wheels and Congregate Nutrition sites, or find out how to get free legal advice. You can even download the latest edition of our Directory of Services. If you can’t find what you need, please call or Email us. We’re here to help.

-Bryan Barnes, Division Head

Helpful Information