Non-Degree, Transient, and Auditing students DO NOT have to request overrides into classes. The Office of the Registrar provides a blanket override for these populations.
- EXCEPTION: Campus Restriction cannot be bypassed.
- Override approvals are not guaranteed.
- Most departments will not grant overrides for closed courses.
- Each department may have different procedures or criteria for granting overrides.
- Once an override has been processed, it is your responsibility to register for the course.
- If you must send an email to request an override, always be sure to include your name, student ID#, your major, the specific course you are requesting the override for, and a brief justification for the request in your message.
Bagwell College of Education
- E-Mail:
Coles College of Business
Course Prefixes Include: ACCT, BLAW, BUSA, ECON, ENTR, FIN, FTA, HMGT, INS, IS, ISA, MEBU, MGT, MKTG, and RE
College of Architecture and Construction Management
Course Prefixes Include: ARCH and CM
- Registration Override Request Form
- To request a registration override into a course for the upcoming semester, please select the button above and fill out the Registration Override Request Form. Requests are reviewed by the Department of the noted course and incomplete forms will be denied. Please have your KSU email address and KSU ID number ready and be prepared to provide the course information for your request. Once the Department has reviewed the request, you will receive an auto-generated email with the decision. If your request is granted, please register for the course immediately through Owl Express. If you have and questions or have not received a decision to approve or deny your request after 7 business days, please contact:
- Architecture Department Override Policy
- Construction Management Override Policy
- Permission is required to enroll in a course for a third (or more) time. If you have attempted a CM or ARCH course two (or more) times previously, including withdrawals, please complete the form and steps below to request re-enrollment. After completing the Re-enrollment Request Form below, please schedule an advising appointment to review the form and discuss a plan for success. Please note, requests for a fourth (or more) attempt will require additional review and approval from the Department Chair.
College of Computing and Software Engineering
Course Prefixes Include: CGDD, CSE, CS, DATA, IT, SWE, and STAT